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The Financial Advocacy Network's tools and resources empower providers to proactively integrate financial health into the oncology care continuum and help patients gain access to high-quality care for a better quality of life.
CatALLyst� is an initiative led by a multidisciplinary committee designed to encourage collaboration and provide the latest educational content.
This websites provides key elements of an evaluation plan, which can help guide your evaluation efforts.
This webcast provides an overview of treatment options for patients living with ALL, MRD testing, clinical trials, and the importance of open communication with the healthcare team.
Our faculty will review the importance of MRD for multiple myeloma patients and strategies to reach and stay MRD negative. This webinar will provide timely information to keep patients and caregivers up to date on the important progress being made in myeloma today, help them communicate more effectively with their health care team, and empower them to achieve the best possible outcome for their disease.
Experts discuss CLL information highly relevant to patients, caregivers and advocates right now.
This webinar provides the multidisciplinary cancer team with important and practical information for the assessment of MRD as part of routine clinical practice for their patients with CLL. The presentation will be valuable for understanding the impact of MRD on treatment decisions and practice patterns, which has promise to lead to major improvements in outcomes for CLL patients in the very near future.
The series is designed to provide clinicians and researchers in hematology foundational information on the latest technologies available [including MRD] for data acquisition, diagnosis, and decision making for hematologic diseases.
Hacer preguntas a su m�dico acerca de los ensayos cl�nicos en cualquier fase de su tratamiento le ayudar� a usted y a su doctor a manejar su atenci�n m�dica de forma m�s efectiva. Vea estos videos y descargue la gu�a de conversaci�n a continuaci�n para mejorar la comunicaci�n con su m�dico con respecto a sus necesidades de atenci�n m�dica.
By completing this form, your patient will be contacted by a LLS Information Specialist. Information Specialists are social workers, nurses and health educators with expertise in blood cancers who provide personalized support to patients, caregivers, and families.
John Gribben of Barts Cancer Institute, London, UK, chairs an insightful discussion with Barbara Eichhorst of the University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, Susan O�Brien of the University of California, Irvine, CA, and Matthew Davids of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, on the latest CLL updates from the recent Virtual ASCO and EHA 2020 Meetings. The speakers discuss frontline therapy for CLL, BTK inhibitors, novel combination therapies and the importance of measurable residual disease (MRD) assessment. Treatment sequencing and novel therapies, in particular CAR T-cell approaches were also discussed.
Natalie Callander, MD, of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI, Luciano Costa, MD, PhD, of the UAB School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL, Fredrik Schjesvold, MD, PhD, of the Oslo Myeloma Center Oslo University, Oslo, Norway, Lanny Kirsch, MD, Senior Vice President in Translational Medicine at Adaptive Biotechnologies, Seattle, WA, and Philippe Moreau, MD, of the Nantes University Hospital, Nantes, France, discuss the latest data on the use of MRD in the management and treatment of multiple myeloma, as presented at the 18th International Myeloma Workshop (IMW 2021).
Bruno Paiva, PhD, of the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, Noemi Puig, MD, PhD, of the University Hospital Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain, and Benjamin Derman, MD, of the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, discuss key research, presented at this year�s Congress of the European Hematology Association (EHA 2021), investigating the role of MRD in the management of multiple myeloma.
Nitin Jain, MD, of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, and Anthony Mato, MD, and Meghan Thompson, MD, both from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, discuss some of the latest updates in CLL treatment presented at this year�s virtual American Society of Hematology (ASH) meeting.
CLL is a disorder characterized by morphologically mature but immunologically less mature lymphocytes, which accumulate in the bone marrow, lymphatic tissue and blood. CLL generally affects the older population and is incurable, however, several novel treatment approaches have developed to improve outcomes of patients with CLL and there is an increasing use of MRD in disease monitoring. In this podcast, Lydia Scarf�, of Vita-Salute San Raffaele University & IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy, Othman Al-Sawaf of the University Hospital of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, and Tanya Siddiqi, from City of Hope, Duarte, CA discuss key developments in the treatment of CLL presented at this years EHA meeting.
Dr. Jeffrey Wolf, from the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of California San Francisco, explains what MRD is, how providers can explain the role of MRD to patients, including understanding the tests used, how to counsel patients when there is MRD, where testing is done for patients treated in the community, the way MRD test results will be used in the future, and so much more.