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I Am An Oncologist

The Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) was founded more than 40 years ago by a small group of physicians advocating for increased availability of clinical trials in the community setting and delivery of state-of-the art cancer care for patients close to home.  

Today, in all care settings ACCC-member oncologists, joined by their multidisciplinary team colleagues, inform and engage in ACCC education and advocacy initiatives. We're pleased to provide curated ACCC resources for and/or by oncologists.

From Oncology Issues

  •  An Optimal Care Coordination Model for Medicaid Patients with Lung Cancer: Finalization of the Model and Implications for Clinical Practice in the United States
    Randall A. Oyer, MD, et al.
    In this article, the authors discuss revisions to the Optimal Care Coordination Model following beta testing to develop the final version, rationale for significant revisions, and nationwide dissemination of the Model.
  •  Implementing a Transportation Hub: A Holistic Approach to a Systemic Problem
    Rachel Marquez, BS, MPH
    Patients with cancer who face transportation barriers often find themselves at a crossroads: They must either continue to piece together various forms of assistance to try to complete a treatment regimen and protocol or throw in the towel altogether. Instead of reacting to patients’ needs after they fall out of compliance with their specified treatment, we pledged to proactively offer and find transportation assistance that meets all patient needs.
  •  Carrie's TOUCH: Supporting Black Women with Breast Cancer
    Maddelynne Parker and Tammie Denyse, M. DIV., MCL
    With disparate breast cancer outcomes, lack of messages of hope, and limited available support for Black women, Rev. Tammie and her late sister were inspired to co-found Carrie’s TOUCH in 2006.
  •  Community Oncology Can Close the Gap in Cancer Research
    Amanda Patton, MA
    One of the ways in which community oncology is helping to close gaps in cancer research is through participation in the National Cancer Institute Community Oncology Research Program clinical trials. The Lahey Health Cancer Institute, a part of the Beth Israel Lahey Health System, continues to expand access to clinical trials and, in particular, the NCI National Clinical Trials Network into the community by partnering with affiliated community hospitals.
  •  A Nurse Navigator Led Community-Based Cardio-Oncology Clinic
    Rachel Zirkelback, BA, et al.
    Dr. Vijay Rao and Dr. Eric Stephen Rubenstein returned from a Global Cardio-Oncology Society meeting g with the realization that they could do much more to protect patients with cancer from potential cardiac toxicity of chemotherapy. The two shared one goal: to prevent the cancer survivor of today from becoming the heart failure patient of tomorrow.
  •  Trending Now in Cancer Care
    Alexandria Howson, PhD
    Rather than fielding its annual Trending Now in Cancer Care survey while cancer programs were experiencing unprecedented challenges due to the extended public health emergency, ACCC chose to facilitate conversations with its members to capture the lived experiences of the most pertinent issues impacting oncology practice and care delivery.
  •  Reflections on a Career: A Conversation with ASCO's Dr. Richard Schilsky
    Barbara A. Gabriel, MA
    Oncology Issues sat down with Dr. Schilsky to look back on his career and look forward to future research breakthroughs in this era of COVID-19 and beyond.
  •  Compliance: Behavior Health Assessment and Intervention for Oncology Patients
  •  Leveraging Technology to Reduce Hospital and Emergency Room Admissions and Identify Patient Comorbidities
    Larry E. Bilbrey, et al.
    It is well documented, even beyond Tennessee Oncology's OCM experience, that patients with cancer generally have some type of hospital-related costs during their disease treatment. Understanding the impact of these real-time alerts and data, Tennessee Oncology formed a Care Transformation Team with the focus of addressing admissions in real time, as well as follow-up care for discharges.
  •  Views: Developing Effective Cancer Program Leadership
    Barbara Schmidtman, PhD, MAOL, CNMT
    As the senior director of cancer services at Spectrum Health Lakeland in St. Joseph, Mich., I led a breakout session at the 37th [Virtual] ACCC National Oncology Conference in September 2020, where I shared tips for effective and positive leadership in oncology. The first step to becoming an effective leader is to understand the type of leader you are—even if you hold an informal leadership position.
  •  Issues: Recent Trends in White Bagging and Brown Bagging
    Kristin Ferguson, DNP, RN, OCN
    Over the last several months, ACCC members have experienced a rising trend of payer-mandated white and brown bagging. ACCC will continue to monitor and update members about issues related to white and brown bagging.
  •  An Optimal Care Coordination Model for Medicaid Patients with Lung Cancer: Results from Beta Model Testing
    Matthew P. Smeltzer, PhD, MSTAT, et al.
    In 2016, the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) initiated a three-year multiphase project to develop an Optimal Care Coordination Model (OCCM) for Medicaid patients with lung cancer that would help assess and strengthen care delivery systems by facilitating and expanding access to multidisciplinary coordinated care.
  •  Driving Oncology Forward
    Krista Nelson, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C, FAOSW
    This next year, as we emerge out of COVID-19’s shadow and into a landscape that has been forever altered by the worldwide pandemic, it is important that we reflect on what we witnessed this past year—not only the suffering but the “wins.”
  •  How Oncology Can Help Improve Vaccination Rates
    Sibel Blau, MD
    Oncologists may not be on the frontline taking care of patients with COVID-19 in intensive care units or emergency departments, but we do have the chance to advocate for vaccination to win the race against this deadly virus.
  •  Improving Care of Advanced Cancer Patients with a Dedicated Palliative Radiotherapy Team
    By Kavita Dharmarajan, MD, MSc
    Due to radiation oncology’s focus on disease, palliative radiation therapy often involves lengthier courses than necessary and extended wait times, posing financial and logistical challenges for patients. Mount Sinai Hospital’s Department of Radiation Oncology and the Tisch Cancer Institute established a specialized service model to increase the use of short-course radiation treatments, reduce the lengths of hospital stay, and improve access to palliative care services.
  •  Preparing for Value-Based Cancer Care in a Multisite Integrated Healthcare System
    James L. Weese, MD, FACS; Levi Y. Citrin, JD; Corey J. Shamah, MD; Marija Bjegovich-Weidman, RN, MSN, OCN CCAP; Kerry A. Twite, RN, MSN, AOCNS; and Federico A. Sanchez, MD
    Multi-site, integrated health care systems have a unique opportunity to provide patient-centered care on a large scale. Discover how Aurora Cancer Care improved their quality of care through subspecialization, consistent care processes, and more.
  •  ACCESS: The First Step Toward Analyzing Precision Medicine Data
    Jonathan Trent, MD, PhD
    Before we can precisely characterize a disease, prescribe targeted medicine, and track therapy progress, we need to find a better way to order tests, store results, and share information. Read how Sylvester Cancer Center in Miami did just that by integrating precision medicine data into its electronic health record (EHR).
  •  Virtual Molecular Tumor Boards
    The ACCC education project, “Virtual Molecular Tumor Boards,” examines how innovative formats can help ensure that communication and quality patient care standards are maintained across cancer programs.
  •  Best of ASCO 2017
    Cary A. Presant, MD, FACP, FASCO
    ASCO 2017 was filled with new information and long lines as 39,000 oncologists worldwide came together to hear the latest advances in cancer care.

ACCCBuzz Blog Posts


  • Food Collage
    Medical Nutrition Therapy Act Would Benefit Medicare Recipients
    August 24, 2021
    If passed, the Medical Nutrition Therapy Act could expand Medicare Part B to cover medical nutrition therapy services for patients with cancer, who need to maintain their strength and keep a health body weight during treatment. ACCCBuzz shares more about this legislation and why its benefits are essential for oncology.
  • blog image_mackler-emily (1)
    How Quality Improvement Can Reduce Inequities in Care
    By Emily Mackler, PharmD, BCOP
    August 17, 2021
    In a recent summit addressing the role of advanced practitioners (APs) in eliminating health disparities, participants felt strongly that APs have an important part to play in ensuring patient access to quality cancer care.
  • jia-conway-240x160
    Early Palliative Care Program Proactively Meets Patient Needs
    July 22, 2021
    Palliative care services are an important element of comprehensive cancer care. However, patients are not usually introduced to palliative care providers until their services are needed. Read how Cancer Care Associates of York—a community-based private practice in York, Penn.—is changing this by identifying high-risk patients suitable for palliative interventions up front and allowing patients to access palliative care services as early as possible.
  • New Legislation Expands Access to Clinical Trials
    By Matt Devino, MPH
    July 14, 2021
    Beginning January 2022, CMS will be required to cover for Medicaid patients the routine costs associated with participating in clinical trials. Learn what states and provider organizations can do to leverage this mandate to address barriers to care in the community and reduce inequities in clinical trial participation.
  • Kasper and Goodman Blog Image
    Integrating Community Paramedics into the Cancer Care Team
    July 08, 2021
    Through a partnership with Albuquerque Ambulance Service, a local community paramedic group that is a division of Presbyterian Healthcare Services, Presbyterian enables qualifying patients with cancer access to certain clinical interventions and wellness checks in their homes from a specialized paramedicine oncology team. The goal of the program is to reduce patient utilization of the ED and reduce inpatient admissions by addressing some patients’ treatment-related symptoms at home.
  • Dr. John Deeken Blog Image
    Managing COVID+ Oncology Patients at Home During Treatment
    July 07, 2021
    The COVID-19 pandemic posed many new complications for cancer programs and practices across the United States. To keep COVID-19-positive patients with cancer out of the hospital where they could potentially infect others, Inova Schar Cancer Institute in Fairfax, Va., implemented remote patient monitoring technology to continually track patients’ vitals while they are at home and in between their outpatient treatments.
  • Garland and Klar Blog Headshot
    Addressing ED Incidental Imaging Findings Through Navigation
    July 06, 2021
    When a patient presents for care in an emergency department (ED), unexpected issues unrelated to their chief complaint may be flagged. To help patients better navigate our complex healthcare system after receiving news of an incidental finding during an ED visit, the Vanderbilt University Medical Center Adult ED and Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center partnered to follow-up with these patients after their discharge to help them initiate the appropriate follow-up care.
  • debra-patt-240x160
    Cancer Care’s Road to Recovery from the Global Pandemic
    July 01, 2021
    An interview with Debra Patt, MD, PhD, MBA, FASCO, Executive Vice President, Public Policy and Strategic Initiatives, at Texas Oncology. Learn about what you can expect from Dr. Patt's keynote at the 38th ACCC National Oncology Conference.
  • advocacy-for-patient-access-240x160
    State by State: Advocacy for Patient Access to Quality Cancer Care
    By Matt Devino, MPH
    June 30, 2021
    “State legislators play a significant role when it comes to health insurance oversight, regulation, and innovation.” – National Council of State Legislatures. Learn how oncology state societies are advocating for greater access to fertility preservation services for patients with cancer, including insurance coverage for these services.
  • Lauren-Hamel-240x160
    Mobile App Eases Patient Cost-of-Care Conversations
    June 29, 2021
    Financial toxicity in oncology is a long-standing issue for patients with cancer. As increasing costs related to cancer care put financial strain on patients, so too do the indirect costs of a cancer diagnosis and treatment—travel, childcare, and other daily living needs. Learn how 2021 ACCC Innovator Award winner Dr. Lauren Hamel at Wayne State University School of Medicine; Karmanos Cancer Institute has set out to address current trends in treatment-related cost discussions between patients and their care team members through a mobile app to make these conversations a vital part of patients’ treatment plans.
  • Scout-240x160
    Pride Month & Equality in Cancer Care
    June 28, 2021
    “I had difficulty trusting providers enough to seek the care that I needed. When my partner saw something unusual on my back and I had to try a new dermatologist, I had to be dragged kicking and screaming to his office,” says Scout, PhD, MA, executive director of the National LGBT Cancer Network. Learn more about the needs of LGBTQ patients and how you can help create a safe, inclusive space.
  • US Currency with health cost written in chalk on wood
    Tips for Helping Relieve Patients of Financial Burden
    June 25, 2021
    Knowing what co-pay assistance each patient needs and where to find it—often in short order—is key to successfully securing funding and ultimately enabling access to necessary treatment. These four key steps can help financial advocates obtain patients co-pay, premium, or travel assistance from independent patient foundations.
  • Douglas Holt Headshot
    Virtual Reality Brings Patient Education to Life
    June 23, 2021
    Effective patient education helps patients better understand their diagnoses and participate in shared decision-making with their providers. Douglas Holt, MD, chief resident of radiation oncology at the University of Colorado Cancer Center, UCHealth-Oncology Services, is taking patient education to the next level: virtual reality.
  • Amanda-Henson-240x160
    Building Relationships: The Foundation for a Successful Service Line
    By Amanda Henson, MSHA, MBA, FACHE 
    June 22, 2021
    "Upon assuming my role in Baptist Health’s new oncology service line, I knew it was essential for me to continue strengthening my relationships with the physicians and leadership at the nine Baptist hospitals across Kentucky and Southern Indiana," says ACCC Board Member Amanda Henson, MSHA, MBA, FACHE. Learn how she achieved clinical, operational, and financial efficiencies to facilitate reliable, quality patient care across all sites while in her role.