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Malignant hematology is famous for its three-letter acronyms: MDS, CML, ALL, CLL, and the list goes on. The newest and most talked-about kid on the block is MRD, or measurable residual disease (previously known as minimal residual disease). Indeed, the term MRD has become so ubiquitous that it has elbowed out its older MRD cousin from the transplant world (�matched related donor,� now often referred to as a sibling donor). If you�re like us though, you have likely heard about MRD only from conferences or in clinic. As part of a new series for ASH TraineE-News, we will review these sorts of learned-on-the-fly concepts in more detail. Our first topic? You guessed it, MRD!
Malignant hematology is famous for its three-letter acronyms: MDS, CML, ALL, CLL, and the list goes on. The newest and most talked-about kid on the block is MRD, or measurable residual disease (previously known as minimal residual disease). Indeed, the term MRD has become so ubiquitous that it has elbowed out its older MRD cousin from the transplant world (�matched related donor,� now often referred to as a sibling donor). If you�re like us though, you have likely heard about MRD only from conferences or in clinic. As part of a new series for ASH TraineE-News, we will review these sorts of learned-on-the-fly concepts in more detail. Our first topic? You guessed it, MRD!
Malignant hematology is famous for its three-letter acronyms: MDS, CML, ALL, CLL, and the list goes on. The newest and most talked-about kid on the block is MRD, or measurable residual disease (previously known as minimal residual disease). Indeed, the term MRD has become so ubiquitous that it has elbowed out its older MRD cousin from the transplant world (�matched related donor,� now often referred to as a sibling donor). If you�re like us though, you have likely heard about MRD only from conferences or in clinic. As part of a new series for ASH TraineE-News, we will review these sorts of learned-on-the-fly concepts in more detail. Our first topic? You guessed it, MRD!