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This article presents an approach to MRD detection in B-LL/L by flow cytometry through case presentations with illustration of several potential pitfalls.
This booklet describes health insurance options and resources to help patients and their families who are coping with the financial aspects of cancer care.
The toolkit includes the following educational resource booklets: Multiple Myeloma Disease Overview, Multiple Myeloma Treatment Overview, Managing My Myeloma, Multiple Myeloma Caregiver Guide and The Path to Precision Medicine. The toolkit is available in English and Spanish and can be downloaded or order a copy through the mail.
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) of immunoglobulin (IG) and T cell receptor (TR) rearrangements represents a modern alternative to classical RQ-PCR-based MRD detection.
Malignant hematology is famous for its three-letter acronyms: MDS, CML, ALL, CLL, and the list goes on. The newest and most talked-about kid on the block is MRD, or measurable residual disease (previously known as minimal residual disease). Indeed, the term MRD has become so ubiquitous that it has elbowed out its older MRD cousin from the transplant world (�matched related donor,� now often referred to as a sibling donor). If you�re like us though, you have likely heard about MRD only from conferences or in clinic. As part of a new series for ASH TraineE-News, we will review these sorts of learned-on-the-fly concepts in more detail. Our first topic? You guessed it, MRD!
We sought to study the self-reported utilization patterns of MRD assessment in CLL and MM, it's use in determining duration of therapy, and the barriers to it's adoption in practice among U.S. cH/O...These data from a limited sample of cH/O suggest that adoption of MRD testing among US cH/O is low, despite results from recent trials that highlight the importance of the MRD negativity as an important prognostic factor in both CLL and MM. Half of cH/O do not measure MRD at any point while treating MM and CLL and less than a fifth incorporate MRD data to determine duration of therapy. The greatest barrier to MRD assessment is the impression that there is lack of evidence supporting its utility in practice at the present time. Further education among cH/O is warranted regarding MRD assessment in CLL and MM given that MRD-negative status is associated with favorable prognosis and should be incorporated in treatment decision-making based on updated guidelines in both diseases.